Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Questions for interview

1.         On a day to day basis how often do you find yourself writing a document?
a.          What type of documents do you write?
2.         Depending on the writing you are doing do you use different formatting or is it all on Microsoft word?
3.         What’s the biggest challenge you face when writing in the office?
4.         How often is math incorporated into your writings?
5.         How much time do you put into a book that you are writing/ What’s the longest you’ve spent on a project?
6.         When you first began writing did you enjoy it? Do you enjoy it now?
7.         Do you have any helpful shortcuts for students to use when writing papers for their finance classes?
8.         Hardest thing about your job?
9.         Who do you get to collaborate with when you begin to write these papers? Is it just you or multiple other people also working on a project as well?
10.   With Finance, do you ever get lost in the numbers?
11.   How is writing even used in your field?
12.   Do you get to present your writings?
13.   Who is your audience when you present your writings?
14.   Does your tone of writing change when your audience change or is it always the same?
15.   What do you value in your writings? Is grammar more important than content or vice versa?
16.   How connected is the business world through writing.
17.    Does your tone of writing change when your audience change or is it always the same?
18.   Have you published any writings in your field of study?
19.   How often do you read others writings to improve your own writing?
20.   What was your first job? Di you learn anything about writing from it?
21.   How has your writing evolved through your career?
22.   What counts as evidence? What doesn’t?
23.   Did you take classes similar to rhetoric and if so did it help?

-No yes or no questions.
-Avoid complicated questions.
-Start with general and then get specific as the interview goes on.

Research papers or articles in an academic journal.
            -No google!!
            -The university of Iowa library (Search from there and find your topics)
            -Find business rhetoric courses

                        -Find articles

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