Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Business Rhetoric 1030 interview/source analysis

Interview with Brian Richman
            When I interviewed Brian we spoke a lot on his day to day writings in the office. The majority of his writing as a professor of investment banking is emails sent out to clients and partners every day. Other than emails, he also works a lot with his student’s resumes who are going on to pursue a job in investment banking. His primary software that he uses is Microsoft office as the majority of his writings are just different forms of communications with clients. He said that the common misconception of practicing finance was that the job revolves completely around numbers, and it doesn’t. Yes, there is some math involved but that’s the not basis. The majority of the writing of an investment banker goes toward proposals to people you are working with and also potentials clients. He says your type of writing depends on what you are working on. With proposals, Brian spent a lot of time with power point presentations. He would compile facts for the report and then use PowerPoint as a clear and concise tool to convey his thoughts and ideas towards clients and work mates. He says that there is some math within those reports but the majority of the proposal has to do with how you communicate with the person and whether that person likes you or not. Finance has a lot to do with your relationship with the customer. They have to like and trust you a lot in order to do business, so yes numbers and math are important but the best thing is to keep a good relationship. When Brian worked for Leman Brothers, His day to day office work consisted of proposals that led to presentations that led to further communications through letters and phone calls. I asked how important grammar is in the job that he had and his response was interesting, He said that since you are trying to woo your client, you have to have very good grammar and content so people will be able to trust you as a reliable source. I think the interview gave me a lot to work with.
Analysis of sources
            With my sources I chose a series of business writings that have to do with finance. One source is a write up on a buyout of a hotel company by a firm called Blackstone. It was published by the company Dow Jones They spoke on the amount of money transferred between the two companies and other facts and stats on the purchase. It was written in article form and covers various parts of the buy out. They incorporate numbers as well as normal facts despite it being a finance paper. They close with similar transactions happening elsewhere that have to do with big buy outs.
            My next source that I chose was more of a news update. It came from the paper source of The Wall Street Journal. It was a news update for the day of September 9, 2015. It was broken up and written by the current event that happened that day. The topics included updates on certain companies in the stock market and if they were doing well or not. Other things that were talked about include strategic plans for the future for companies like Apple and Yahoo.

            My last source that I talked about was a news update about Chinese tech business owners who are traveling from place to place. It is a form of finance writing in a news update. It gives a general update on the tech industry showing off its top products before they make a visit to the United States.

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