Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Analysis of Three Sources

Works Cited
Davis, Kevin J., and William W. Jennings. "Style And De Stijl, Or Morningstar And Mondrian:
Use And Misuse Of Style Boxes." Journal Of Investing 14.4 (2005): 47-59. Business Source Complete. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.
Doris, Aedín, Donal O'Neill, and Olive Sweetman. "Identification Of The Covariance Structure
Of Earnings Using The GMM Estimator." Journal Of Economic Inequality 11.3 (2013): 343-372. Business Source Complete. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.
"The University of Iowa Libraries." Proxy Login -. New York Time, n.d. Web. 02 Sept. 2015.

The articles that I gathered cover a wide range of Finance writings. They are a range of news updates and methods of displaying your stats and numbers. It shows the reader how writing about finance works. It also has variations of the different Finance things to write about as well. There are many different options that are not covered in the sources, hopefully the interview will cover more info.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of writing is the third source? The other two seem to be good sources for your paper.
