Monday, October 26, 2015

Analysis of “Freakonomics” and “Economists Sell Bagels”

Analysis of “Freakonomics” and “Economists Sell Bagels”
Both speak upon the same topic: Bagel delivery by an MIT graduate. They both analyze how people react to the deliveries that this one man makes. They look at the data that the supplier collected and analyze the trends that come and go. In the end, both have very similar conclusions despite having come to them in different ways.

In Freakonomics the author uses a much more relaxed way of speaking on the data. Rather than giving all the numbers and what they all mean, he simply gives the reader a basic summary of what came out of the experiment. It was very general and not specific on the actual results. In the other paper, the formatting and the style of writing was very proper. It seemed very professional and the results were shown in tables as well as graphs. All of the graphs show all of the data rather than just talking about the general idea of what the data stands for.

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