Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Topic Proposal

Topic Proposal
Joey Basche
Rhetoric 1030
            Dorm room blinds need a major renovation
When waking up in the morning I expect to to rise from my deep slumber not from the sunlight coming through my window, but the alarm that is set on my phone for a reasonable hour. Every morning I am woken up by the sun because the blinds installed into my dorm room are thin and impractical. These blinds are basically only good for looks, and that’s a stretch due to their off pink hue. Numerous people on my floor as well as people from other dorms have complained about these shabby blinds and I think its time for a change.
            I intend find a solution to these atrocious blinds so that student all over campus can sleep in peace and not have the suns bright rays disturbing their morning sleep. Students don’t deserve to have terrible blinds if they are paying thousands of dollars to live in the dorms, it doesn’t make sense.
            I chose this idea because it has affected me and freshman across campus since the day we moved into the dorms. I have heard countless complaints about the lack of darkness ruining people’s day to day activities because of a lack of sleep. I feel very strongly that something should be changed so I figure this was a good way to start.       

            I plan on interviewing people on my floor as well as managers of the buildings. I also plan on interviewing people who live in other dorms to see how they feel about this issue. There are other multiple online resources that speak on how sunlight can cause a lack of sleep that makes people not as productive during their day to day activities.

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