Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Intro and methods

Upon arrival to college, students develop new methods of completing work and managing time. They come from a variety of backgrounds, from different school with different requirements. This means that everyone had their own way of getting things done. Now that college is here, people have had to adapt to the new life they were given. New workloads, different teachers, new friends. All of these can be factors on how a student copes with their workload. Through my research I will be seeing how students have overcome the change and made the most of the education so far. I will do this through surveys that ask them numerous questions and after completion I will analyze their results.

-       38 males and females participated in this study: Each subject was a college student from    a range of schools, all aged 18-21
Data Sources:
-       Online survey posted to social media (Surveymonkey.com)
-       Dates ranging from 10/29/15 – 11/1/15
-       Participants were directed to a website after interacting with a link. The website contained a survey in which they were asked to answer 8 questions pertaining to their
study habits, techniques and locations in college as well as in high school. The survey was voluntary meaning that the results were more solidified rather than forced upon the subject. The survey was taken from the subject’s computer either laptop or desktop. The majority of the students are from the University of Iowa.

-       I compiled the data into graphs and charts. I also did calculations and based my conclusions off the results of the survey and calculations. The results were then placed in charts to display my findings and their validity.


  1. I think the beginning of your introduction is very good. It draws the readers in, and is an interesting topic. I think that you have a lot of room to expand your introduction and explain a little more about your topic. I think you could talk a little more about your research questions, but your use of language is very good.
    Your headings under your methods were very clear, and could be helpful to people who do not want to read the entire paper. I think your procedures were clear, and explained well. Your observation section was clear with what you did to show the results. The sentences seem to be a little choppy, so maybe make them flow together more!
    Overall I think your introduction and methods section of your paper were pretty good. I would recommend a little more explanation in the introduction, and maybe some more explanation in the procedures about the types of questions asked in the procedure section. This was a good start to your final paper.

  2. Introduction
    1. Yes, it is a good topic for students in college.
    2. Not really, but it is informing that yu explain the changes that everyone is going through.
    3. No, make sure you state what you are experimenting.
    4. Yes, you use good language.
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    One thing you could maybe fix would be making your introduction more relatable and informative. It is a little vague right now, but I think if you add more information pertaining to the topic, it will make it better.
    Another thing, I think you should make sure that you state your question in the introduction, that way people aren't confused as to what you're writing about the whole time.
    One last thing, I think you should write your survey questions with your procedures, that way the audience reading your paper has a feel as to what you asked and you want to know.
